Join the Trump Countdown
If, like us, you are SUPER excited about the big day that’s approaching, why not join our like-minded community by expressing your support with a donation or even some advertising on this site. If you want, we’ll add your business logo here so others can see just how AMPED you are in counting down the days to what promises to be the BIGGEST DAY IN HISTORY. PERIOD!
We PROMISE to spend your contributions in the following ways:
- NOT building any wall anywhere. EVER
- NOT trying to make you penniless if you get sick
- NOT telling you what gender you should be
- NOT telling you what you can’t do to your body
- NOT telling you who you can’t have sex with
- NOT trying to kick you out of a country you call home
- NOT trying to kill the planet in really horrible ways
- NOT telling you you’re going to Hell
In fact, unless you specifically tell us otherwise, we promise NOT to send you any texts, emails, letters, junk mail, faxes, pop-ups, alerts, DMs, AI suggestions, smoke signals, slaps, hits, pokes, hints, nudges, call centre person or even robocall. Nor will we sell on your details. Nope. Not once.
Makes it kinda worth it, doesn’t it?